About Me

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Beijing, Wangjing, China
I set this blog up as a way to express myself creatively through my writing. I am a 'long distance' member of a writing group in Somerset called "Works in Progress" I am currently working on my first & second novels (simultaneously), along with multiple short stories, poems, and even a childrens story or two....which is very interesting...you know...all those voices talking at once!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Goodbye Costa Rica.....

Well, the time has come to leave Costa Rica and see what China has in store for us. We have had a great time living here and a fun time these last 2 weeks visiting with "The Days"!!

Our bags are packed and we are off to the airport. Angie knew I was going to desert her one way or the other so I guess leaving the day before she does is the best I can do...LOL!

Don't worry...Adrian is going to take her back to the apartment this afternoon and then pick her up EARLY tomorrow morning and take her to the airport. I'm curious to see what she thinks of the 'lovely' bed we have been sleeping on for the last 6 months. That was said with sarcasm in case you missed it....lol!

You will have to follow our adventures in China on my China blog if you want to know what is going on. Check it out at:


Let us know what you think. Thanks for the fond memories Costa Rica! We will miss you!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

"Mesmerized" by David Matthew Barnes

If you want to read an amazing book by an amazing author....and incredible human being....then read "Mesmerized" by David Matthew Barnes.

You won't be disappointed!

Check him out at:



About the Author:

David-Matthew Barnes is the author of the young adult novel "Mesmerized" and the forthcoming literary suspense novel "Accidents Never Happen", both published by Bold Strokes Books. He wrote and directed the coming-of-age film "Frozen Stars", which received worldwide distribution. To date, he has written over forty stage plays that have been performed in three languages in eight countries. His literary work has been featured in over one hundred publications. David-Matthew received a Master of Fine Arts in creative writing from Queens University of Charlotte in North Carolina. Currently, he is a full-time faculty member at Southern Crescent Technical College in Griffin, Georgia, where he teaches courses in English, speech and theatre.

Brief Synopsis of "Mesmerized":

While being punished for writing a controversial article in her high school paper, Serena Albright is befriended by the enigmatic loner Brodie Wiles. Serena witnesses the first time that Brodie meets Lance Royal, who is secretly rehearsing to compete in The Showdown, the biggest dance contest of the year. Immediately, Serena is drawn into their world, inspired by the love she recognizes between them.

Through her close friendship with Brodie and Lance, Serena finds comfort for the grief and guilt she feels over the brutal death of her older brother, the victim of a hate crime. Frustrated that her deep-in-denial parents spend endless hours in front of the television and refuse to acknowledge the death of their son, Serena accepts the challenge to have a face-to-face meeting with the boy who killed her brother.

Some Reviews of his book "Mesmerized"

4.0 out of 5 stars Teen's coming out gives a family a second chance ..., October 29, 2010

By Bob Lind "camelwest" (Phoenix, AZ United States) - See all my reviews
(TOP 1000 REVIEWER) This review is from: Mesmerized (Paperback)

It's "love at first sight" for loner high school senior Brody Wiles meets Lance Royal, who is preparing to enter a local dancing competition. There as a witness is the high school paper's conscientious but socially-stunted editor, Serena Albright, who is especially attuned to the needs of gay teens, since her brother - who was never completely accepted by her parents or her after he came out to them - was the fatal victim of a hate crime. Serena makes it her mission to help Brody find happiness, the same way she wishes she would have been better attuned to her brother's needs. At the same time, she is working through the guilt she has for failing to have done so, and dealing with her parents, who have become emotional cripples since their son's death, failing to deal with their grief and move on. Like Serena, her parents find themselves involved in helping Brody after he comes out to his own parents, and decides to join Lance as his dance partner in the competition. At the same time, Serena and her parents have to deal with a request from the individual who is in prison for killing her brother.

The book is set in the late 1980's, but still relevant to the plight of many gay teens today. The author presents a vivid and realistic telling of the emotions and unfortunate realities that can face a teenager in reconciling his sexuality, as well as the confrontations this can cause with others. Very well written, meant for a younger audience, but a valuable read for all. Four stars out of five.

- Bob Lind, Echo Magazine

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The End of NaNoWriMo 2010

Well it is once again the end of NaNoWriMo....2010....and I did not complete my novel. When I first started this 'project' I thought about working on my current novel "Betrayed" but then I thought...."NO!" I am required to do a new piece of work. Apparently...that is not the case because 14 days into the "assignment" I saw that you could complete a novel you were previously working on.

*****I don't remember that being in the rules before*****

So now, instead of having 3 novels that I am working on....I now have 4 thanks to this one that I just started. FYI....it is really good!

Why is it that something always happens when I agree to do this novel writing assignment in November that derails me from completing the assignment? It can be a severe case of the flu (happened 2 years in a row), my sons broken hand (happened 1 year), or the need to complete everything on my to do list before I move to China (that was this year!).....There just seems to always be a force working against me in November!

I guess the good thing is I have a wonderful story line to work with....I have amazing characters willing to tell me their story....and I have a family that supports me working until all hours of the night so I can try to quiet the voices in my head! I will finish this novel...tentatively titled "Descent into Darkness"

If it wasn't for my dear friend in Georgia....Mr David Matthew Barnes...I would probably throw in the towel. But I just saw that he finally completed his 3rd novel...which he has been working on for 7 years. (Way to go, DMB!!)

This makes me feel like there may be a light at the end of the tunnel for me and my work!

Thanks DMB for always being an inspiration to me!

And for those of you who do not know his work.....go buy his new novel "Mesmerized".

You can find it at http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Mesmerized/David-Matthew-Barnes/e/9781602821910/?itm=1

All you need to do is copy and paste the address on Google and it will come right up!

November is finally over and so is NaNoWriMo. I guess it is time for me to enjoy the lack of pressure and take some more time to work on my novel because.......the only way to complete the novel is to work on it one day at a time.

That is exactly what I plan on doing!

Friday, November 26, 2010

A Thanksgiving Reflection

Thanksgiving is probably my favorite holiday because it is a time for me to reflect on all the things that I am thankful for and it is a time to tell all of those people that I am thankful to have in my life.....just that.

We have come a long way since last Thanksgiving when we were bundled up in coats and boots heading to our sister church in Somerset to help serve people at what had become our family Thanksgiving tradition. For 11 years we have gone into St. Pauls' United Church of Christ and helped the Salvation Army serve not only homeless people but people who have fallen on hard times and people who just don't want to be alone.

Jacob was 3 when we started helping the Salvation Army and boy has he come a long way. The first year we did it, Jake was more of the entertainment than really very helpful. He was an adorable blue eyed, very blond haired little boy who walked from table to table talking to all of the little old couples, families with children, and the occasional person who had arrived alone because they had no one else to share the day with. Now don't get me wrong...he did occasionally go to the dessert table and wrangle a piece of pumpkin pie back to the little old man who had asked for a piece, but overall....he was our talker. He would just sit there and talk to them about whatever popped into his head....of course, at that stage of his life, a lot of the conversation revolved around Buzz Lightyear and Woody!

As the years went on, he progressed to helping seat people, to getting their meals for them and then eventually he settled on helping his dad at the door. They would take peoples coats when they arrived, hang them up, and then retrieve them when they left. Jake and Bob have walked more than their fair share of little old ladies to their cars in the snow! :-) This is a tradition that we are very sorry to give up this year. It almost seems like it isn't even Thanksgiving because we are not trudging through snow to do something that started out as a way to help people but ended up enriching our lives more than we ever thought possible; when you put yourself out there for other people, what you get back in return is far greater than what you can ever give out.

As the years went by, we saw new people for us to get to know, we saw regular customers who wanted a moment of our time to reminisce, and we saw the tragedy of loved ones who didn't make it another year. Nothing was sadder than when a man or woman would come in for 3 years straight with their spouse of 50 years only to see the day arrive when one of them came in alone. It is those moments that make you thankful for the many blessings you have been given.

So as Thanksgiving comes to an end, I want to take the time to thank all of you who are a part of my life...whether it be a family member, a friend, a loved one, someone I have only recently met, someone I have known for years, someone I see or talk to all the time, someone who is sporadically in my life, and even those of you who are no longer active in my life. Thank you each and everyone for permanently leaving your fingerprints on my life because without each and everyone of you....I would not be who I am today.

So take today to value those in your life and remember those no longer in your life. Because we are just the sum of our relationships...both good and bad....and without those people, we could never become all we were meant to be.

I love you all very much and today is the best day to let you know that because you are what I am thankful for.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Gobble Gobble Everywhere....But I Don't Have $52.00 To Spare!

So this is our first big holiday in Costa Rica and I have to confess....turkey is my favorite part of the Thanksgiving meal! The smell of the house filled with turkey and stuffing and potatoes and cookies......yum!!

I'm not one to plan for the Thanksgiving meal...always been a last minute girl with all the turkey arobics in the kitchen sink to loosen its frozen legs....so why change my MO for this year? Big Mistake! Because if I had been paying attention, I would not have had to throw together a makeshift Thanksgiving dinner of steak, roasted potatoes, corn, and cookies. (Cookies ALWAYS make it on the list!)

So 3 days before Thanksgiving....that is a record of preparation for me....and I am standing in the grocery store with Jacob looking for a turkey. We find chicken...we find steak...we find porkchops....we find hamburger.....no turkey! When we finally get to almost the end of the aisles....we find a freezer with turkeys...yay!!

I tell Jacob to open the freezer door and pull out the smallest turkey that is sitting by the door....there are only 3 of us after all....which he does and hands it to me. I realize the turkey is prestuffed as are the other 2 smaller turkeys. Looking back at the freezer I realize that the next smallest turkey would feed an army of 20 so I decide to take the prestuffed one.

As I am getting ready to put it in the cart....I see the price....$52.00!!!! You heard me right....$52.00!

Now I REALLY love turkey and did the math on how much it would cost us per meal...figuring in the sandwiches that follow the next couple of days (I REALLY LOVE THE LEFTOVER TURKEY SANDWICHES!!!) but even I cannot justify a $52.00 turkey. So back in the freezer it goes and we slump our way back to the meat section to pick out some steaks for dinner. What are you going to do?

Now all I have to do is convince Angie, Julie, and Tim that chicken with rice and beans is a totally cool Christmas meal!

Maybe those $52.00 turkeys will be on sale on Black Friday.....wouldn't that be nice??

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Photo Montage's

Check out these two Photo Montage's my son did....one for his girlfriend and one for his best friend!


Just copy and paste to enjoy them.....They are great!!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

NaNoWriMo 2010

Well...it is that time of year again. Time to plant your butt in that chair, turn on the computer, and create that masterpiece novel you swear is inside of you!

Okay....even I cannot keep a straight face while writing that! Let me rephase that, using terminology that actually applies.........................................

Well, it is that time again. Time to drag yourself to the computer, force yourself to sit down, and type a whole lot of nonsense in an effort to complete something that sounded like so much more fun than it is actually turning out to be!

Don't get me wrong....I ALWAYS start with the best intentions. I am always very excited and thoroughly motivated to accomplish this task every November. At least I start out that way. Then the 7th of December rolls around and I am looking at 7000-8000 words and wondering...."Where the hell is this story going?"

Of course the month of November explains 2 of the 3 novels I am currently working on.....not counting this new one that just started the beginning of this November! In case you lost count....that will make it 4 almost finished novels I will have to juggle!!

Now I am a week into the novel, with all of these TOTALLY WEIRD people/voices in my head...telling me all of these strange things, and I am trying to figure out how to make it into a story people would be willing to pay money for! (Or at least not want to throw themselves off the nearest skyscaper after reading it!!)

And then there is the feeling that you will never be able to finish the story by the end of the month, and even if you do....does it even make any sense. Now I know the whole point of NaNoWriMo is to inspire you to just commit yourself to time devoted only to writing....no editing allowed...and hopefully create something that you will be able to turn into a coherent novel to be sold at a later date.

Do you even know me???? What do you mean....don't edit? What do you mean....just write what comes to mind???? What do you mean.....just get it out on paper????

Yeah....and why exactly do I have my shrink on speed dial? Oh that's right....I actually signed up, voluntarily, to do this NaNoWriMo thing....with out being forced at the point of a knife. Yeah....that's why they are on speed dial!

But enough ranting and raving...apparently Stormy (the voice in my head who is the main character of this newest...hopefully to actually be finished novel)just found out that the dead body they found in her brother's closet....after he commited suicide....is not the first dead person to have come in contact with him.

Sigh.....this is going to be a long night!

Why can't I ever have voices that talk to me about love and rainbows and unicorns?