About Me

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Beijing, Wangjing, China
I set this blog up as a way to express myself creatively through my writing. I am a 'long distance' member of a writing group in Somerset called "Works in Progress" I am currently working on my first & second novels (simultaneously), along with multiple short stories, poems, and even a childrens story or two....which is very interesting...you know...all those voices talking at once!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Goodbye Costa Rica.....

Well, the time has come to leave Costa Rica and see what China has in store for us. We have had a great time living here and a fun time these last 2 weeks visiting with "The Days"!!

Our bags are packed and we are off to the airport. Angie knew I was going to desert her one way or the other so I guess leaving the day before she does is the best I can do...LOL!

Don't worry...Adrian is going to take her back to the apartment this afternoon and then pick her up EARLY tomorrow morning and take her to the airport. I'm curious to see what she thinks of the 'lovely' bed we have been sleeping on for the last 6 months. That was said with sarcasm in case you missed it....lol!

You will have to follow our adventures in China on my China blog if you want to know what is going on. Check it out at:


Let us know what you think. Thanks for the fond memories Costa Rica! We will miss you!

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