About Me

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Beijing, Wangjing, China
I set this blog up as a way to express myself creatively through my writing. I am a 'long distance' member of a writing group in Somerset called "Works in Progress" I am currently working on my first & second novels (simultaneously), along with multiple short stories, poems, and even a childrens story or two....which is very interesting...you know...all those voices talking at once!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Up Coming Events Found On-Line

Here are a couple things I found on-line today.

1.) Tomorrow (Saturday May 1st)the Edgar Allen Poe House and Museum in Baltimore Maryland is offering free admission to face book users. Check it out on facebook ---under the search section at Macabre Edgar Allen Poe.

2.)There is a short story contest (1000 words or less) that ends tomorrow- May 1st - with a grand prize of $500 and publication. You can find it at American Short Fiction at www.americanfiction.org

You can include three stories for each entry which costs $15.00 (that comes out to $5.00 per story.)

Now I am off to see which three stories I may want to send in.

Happy Writing.....I hope you enjoy your weekend!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Can Zombies Fall In Love?

You read that title right....that is a line I saw somewhere and had to write about it. I can't complain though, because I got a wonderful story out of it. At least I think I did.....no, I did! :-) As you can see, I am once again up late writing which doesn't mix well with my needing sleep so I can work. Oh well....such is life! I really need to get moved so I can concentrate more on my writing. I love it when the creative juices are flowing....and boy are they flowing right now. I love my Muse....even if she does play with matches! ;-) I hope all of my writer friends are having a great time writing too and that all of my regular friends are having fun too! I love you all!!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Lazy, Crazy Sunday

I didn't think I was going to be able to finish in time but I did.....with 4 minutes to spare. Thank goodness because after I sent my short story, Lost Memories, I realized that I forgot to put my information on the bottom of the email so I had to add that and resend it. I really enjoy doing that 24 hour short story contest and I try to do it every quarter. You can find out about it at the following webpage:
I have done it for a couple of years. It only costs $5.00 to enter.

Spent the rest of the day working on writing things and resting up. Jacob went to Isaiah's for his 15th birthday party. The homemade icecream was yummy!!

Now I need to get back to earning my ESL certification which I put off when we went to Costa Rica. Monday is as good a day as any to start back up.

I hope eveyone had a wonderful weekend. I know I did. I even got to spend time with my mom and sister who came up from Virginia for a visit.

24 Hour Short Story Contest

So it is almost 1am on Sunday morning and I have been trying to figure out what to write for this 24 hour contest. I have started and stopped 6 different stories because they just didn't 'feel' right. I knew I didn't want to go with my first instinct because it was too predictable so I have been struggling with it all day. I finally figure out what it is I want to write but my eyelids refuse to cooperate: they keep shutting down on me. I just hope that it is still fresh in my mind when I wake up because I only have until 1pm eastern time to finish it and send it in. Who knows.....maybe I will dream something even better when I go to sleep.