About Me

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Beijing, Wangjing, China
I set this blog up as a way to express myself creatively through my writing. I am a 'long distance' member of a writing group in Somerset called "Works in Progress" I am currently working on my first & second novels (simultaneously), along with multiple short stories, poems, and even a childrens story or two....which is very interesting...you know...all those voices talking at once!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Put the Bug Spray Away!

After having several weeks of not being able to write....I am so excited to have been bitten by the writing bug! (Not quite sure which bite on my leg was the writing bug and which ones are just bugs, but one of them is definitely the writing bug....I can feel it!)The move took a lot out of me...writing wise....what with the selling all of our posessions and putting our house on the market....I was wondering how long it would take me to get back in the groove. Well let me tell you....I've got my groove on! LOL!

Tomorrow is the 24 Hour Short story contests by Writers Digest and I am so excited. I wasn't sure if things would be settled enough for me to do it but things worked out and I am ready to sit down at 12pm tomorrow and write my heart out. Hmmmmm.....that is central time right? That means it will be 11am here.....guess we better leave for the street market early tomorrow so we can get our fruit and vegetables and get home before it rains!

With any luck I will be really inspired by the writing prompt and will put out one heck of a story. Keep your fingers crossed for me and I will keep you posted on my progress!

*****Okay, I actually did this last night but it didn't post until today because our internet went out...again! Darn those storms!*****

Monday, July 19, 2010

The Giggling Mugger

FYI: I totally stole this post from my other blog page, but it was a piece of writing so I wanted to get credit for it on my writing page.....I don't care if it is cheating! LOL!!

I was wondering after our visit to San Jose today....what makes a mugger giggle?

Now I know that sounds like a strange question, but we experienced our first mugging (not personally mind you but 6 feet in front of us) today and it was the strangest thing because the mugger was giggling. No.....seriously.....he was giggling! I'm not even sure if it would qualify as a good mugging because he got caught a block down the road by a very short man with a heavy backpack on his back, but it was interesting none the less.

We had just finished mailing our final documents to Washington DC for authentication (Praise the Lord and Haleluiah that is finally over with......now if they just come back on time!)and had started up the road towards the park in the center of San Jose. We were being hustled and bustled back and forth with the large crowd of people when all of a sudden I see a man approach a women, coming towards me, from behind. You know that scene where a man sneeks up behind a woman and scares her? Well that is what it reminded me of because he was leaning over and giggling, like he was going to surprise her. And he did! Next thing I know, she grabs her head and yells and I see that he has her by the ears! Yes....the ears. She swats at him and after a very brief struggle....he laughs and runs off. That is when I notice that she only has one earring. Apparently this particular mugger must have lost one of the exact same pair of earrings because he only stole one of them. He was such a terrible mugger that he didn't even get both earrings!

A very short man to my left was watching the whole thing and with his heavy backpack on his back took off after the mugger. He chased him all the way to the next light....dodging in and out of traffic....hollering for someone to stop that mugger. Now this was a very long block but when they got to the light, the mugger turned left with the good samaritan close behind. Of course by now they have the attention of the police who all happened to be sitting at the corner the mugger ran too. So next thing we know there are about 4 or 5 police men chasing the mugger too.

We are still walking towards the park. As we get up to the corner, the good samaritan comes from around the corner with a policeman and they head back to where the woman who had been robbed was at. Point one for the good guy! I just hope that once the mugger gets out of jail he chooses another profession.....maybe as a juggling clown where he can laugh and giggle all he wants!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

I'm Just Not Feeling It

Having only been a writer for a short time....and this is not just me saying that... I know people who have been writers for years.....I am still easily stumped when it comes to this "Muse" thing. I can feel the need inside of me and my fingers are itching to write something but it just isn't happening.

I know that writers suffer from writers block where they can't come up with a single idea of what to write, but I am finding that my problem is more of a "me" problem. My Muse is actually standing in the kitchen with no clothes on banging two pan lids together screaming "Look at me! Look at me! I have a wonderful idea for a story...you idiot!" Thankgoodness I took her matches away or she would have burned the house down a long time ago!

And what am I doing? Just sitting at the dining room table looking at the lights of the computer illuminate the cup of juice I have been staring into for the last 30 minutes. I have such an urge to write but in all honesty..........

I don't know if it is because this has been a very sad day for me (and you would think that as a tortured writer at the moment the words would be spilling out of me)or if I am too overwhelmed with our recent move....and all the things we have had to do.....to let my brain relax and write, but to tell you the truth...I write better when I am at peace. I am not at peace at the moment. I feel like my world has been turned upside down. I feel betrayed. I feel abandoned. And I feel used.

I acknowledge my blame in the way I feel, but I don't understand how one moment you can have a connection, one that you feel will stand the test of time, and the next....any connection you had is gone like it never existed.

I think it is that feeling of emptiness and (right or wrong) that sense of betrayal that I am feeling that is holding me back. How weird....those feelings should fuel my creativity. But all those feelings make me want to do is close my computer and sweep my floors. Do something menial and mind numbing. Of course there is nothing I can do to alleviate these feelings because that part of my life, my past is gone...that door has been closed. And if the truth be told....I don't even have the desire to try to fix it......it takes too much energy.

I don't want to sit down and rant about what has happened to me. It happened, it's over with, I'll deal with it and move on. The strangest thing is that I am unable to write about it because, even now, I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings by saying the wrong thing. Oh how I wish I could throw caution to the wind and just write about it.

But I won't, because no matter how I feel at the moment, and how ever many things are going through my mind that are begging to be released.....that's not how I work.

The feelings are there...the story is begging to be written but in all honesty....I'm just not feeling it.