About Me

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Beijing, Wangjing, China
I set this blog up as a way to express myself creatively through my writing. I am a 'long distance' member of a writing group in Somerset called "Works in Progress" I am currently working on my first & second novels (simultaneously), along with multiple short stories, poems, and even a childrens story or two....which is very interesting...you know...all those voices talking at once!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

If a writer Loses their voice.....Literally....Do They Still Have Something to Say?

So I survive my thyroid surgery with my voice barely intact and yet....I lost my writing voice. How does that happen? You would think with all of this free (Ha!)time on my hands, the creative juices would be flowing. You think wrong!

When I found out that I would not be allowed to work for a week, I thought that I would have so many chances to write and yet the week is almost up and I haven't put so much as three words together. It is sooooooo frustrating!!

Our writers meeting is in three days and I have nothing ready. Sure, I've been exhausted from the surgery, nauseous from the anesthetic, tired from all the nurses coming in and out of the room, and busy painting the house....but surely there is some free time in there to write a short story! I mean I have been combing the internet everyday looking for some writing prompt to inspire me and just when I think one will.....it doesn't.

I am beginning to think that my Muse does not respond well to anesthetic and pain pills.....maybe she is still asleep in room 931 bed A and doesn't realize that I am at home now. I wonder if they will return her when they find her? She is a lot like that annoying neighborhood child....Dennis....that only spends three minutes with you before you are planning your escape route. Is gnawing off your arm the ONLY option you have to escape? How much will you actually miss that arm? Get the picture?

Don't get me wrong, she is my Muse and I adore her but she can be sooooooo annoying! All of the "I don't agree with you." and the "It's my way or the highway!" and the "I am not going to talk to you again until you agree to do things my way!" conversations we always seem to have. I mean, I actually do have good ideas every now and then....of course she will say "Technically....their my ideas." Grrrrr she can be so annoying!

If truth be told I would be lost without her so I guess the only thing I can do is go looking for her because since she disappeared I've had nothing! And her last idea, "Can Zombies Fall in Love?" was brilliant!

Just do me a favor....don't tell her I said so......she is hard enough to live with as it is!

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